Coastal Geomorphology & Ecology

Coastal landforms are dynamic features shaped by a complex interplay of marine, terrestrial, meteorological, tectonic, and biological processes operating over a range of spatial and temporal scales. As a result of the complex interactions driving coastal geomorphic processes, the science underlying the intersection of these processes is constantly evolving. PWA geologists, geomorphologists, engineers, biologists, and ecologists are immersed in this exciting field of study and specialize in understanding:

  • Estuarine geomorphology, ecology and restoration
  • Sea level rise assessments, planning and mitigation
  • Coastal dune processes, restoration and management
  • Tsunami hazard assessment and mitigation

Additionally, PWA staff has a broad background in addressing management issues specifically involving estuarine eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat. Our professionals have been involved with invasive dune plant removal and native plant restoration projects in coastal northern California as well as eelgrass habitat assessment, mitigation, and sea level rise impact studies.

In many bays and harbors, dredging operations and in-water construction projects have the potential to negatively impact eelgrass habitat and often require mitigation. Delineating eelgrass habitat, determining appropriate mitigation targets, and identifying suitable mitigation sites requires an in-depth understanding of the many factors driving eelgrass habitat distribution and quality. At PWA, we bring together a multi-disciplinary team specializing in marine ecology, hydrology, and coastal geomorphology to provide a comprehensive understanding of eelgrass habitat dynamics within the broader context of the surrounding estuarine environment.

Our coastal ecological services include:

  • Coastal sand dune processes and restoration
  • Coastal erosion studies
  • Sea level rise studies and tsunami hazard assessment and mitigation
  • Engineering wave run-up analysis
  • Wetland definition and delineation
  • Botanical surveys, invasive species inventories, and restoration
  • Construction-related ecological impact assessments
  • Eelgrass surveys, mapping, and restoration planning
  • Pre- and post-construction mitigation surveys
  • Environmental impact analysis and initial studies
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