Stormwater Management & QSP/QSD Training

Stormwater Management

Achieving compliance with California’s Construction General Permit requirements can be a challenge. As pioneers in the field of erosion and sediment control throughout Northern California, PWA provides unparalleled expertise to meet your stormwater management needs! We offer complete stormwater management services for all phases of residential and commercial development as well as for environmental restoration projects, including; site assessment, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development, BMP guidance, stormwater monitoring, and regulatory reporting. For more information about how PWA can help you with BMP development and implementation, check out our Erosion and Sediment Control Services.

QSP/QSD Training Services

Are you interested in developing and implementing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) on your own? PWA also provides comprehensive State Water Resources Control Board approved training courses to provide you with the skills you need to become a stormwater management professional.

California’s Construction General Permit Order 2009-0009-DWQ requires that practitioners and developers of SWPPPs demonstrate appropriate qualifications to conduct this work. To learn more about how recent changes to the Construction General Permit may affect you, visit the California State Water Resources Control Board website:

In order to become a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) or Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD), candidates are required to take a California Stormwater Quality Association approved training course from a qualified Trainer of Record (ToR). PWA is proud to offer these training services through certified ToRs William (Randy) Lew, PG, CPESC. Course work is organized into 8 separate content modules. Modules 1-5, covered during the 1st and 2nd days of the training, are required for both QSP and QSD certifications. Modules 6-8 are covered during the 3rd day of training and are only required for individuals seeking QSD certification. Content modules are listed below:

QSP / QSD Modules
 1. Training Overview and Regulations 
2. Erosion Processes and Sediment Control
3. SWPPP Implementation
4. Monitoring
5. Reporting

QSD Modules Only
6. Project planning and Site Assessment
7. SWPPP Development and PRDs
8. Project Closeout

PWA’s comprehensive QSP/QSD training courses cover everything you need to know to successfully implement and develop SWPPPs in California. Our courses may also incorporate field based examples when available as well as expert guest speakers from state and local regulatory agencies. After completion of our curriculum, you will be well prepared to take the state administered certification exam.

For the training course schedule and sign up or to enquire about private group trainings, contact Randy Lew (

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