Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the Salmon Creek Estuary Enhancement Project

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the Salmon Creek Estuary Enhancement Project

PWA developed and implemented a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the Salmon Creek Estuary Enhancement Project at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

Pacific Coast Fish, Wildlife, and Wetlands Restoration Association
Loleta, California
Project Lead (s): 
Randy Lew

Pacific Watershed Associates was hired to develop and implement a SWPPP for the Salmon Creek estuary enhancement project at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge (HBNWR) in Loleta, California. PWA collaborated with Pacific Coast Fish, Wildlife and Wetlands Restoration Association (PCFWWRA), Michael Love and Associates, and HBNWR staff to develop a SWPPP tailored to the unique nature of this large-scale estuary enhancement project. PWA QSD Randy Lew and QSP Todd Kraemer provided training and technical oversight for HBNWR staff to facilitate in-house BMP inspections and weekly reporting requirements. By involving refuge staff in the ongoing monitoring and reporting required during active construction, PWA was able to deliver cost-effective SWPPP services to support this historic restoration project in the Salmon Creek Delta.

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