CAO Water Quality Monitoring at the Cummings Road Landfill

Effective stormwater management and erosion control implementation benefits water quality and downstream aquatic habitat.
Effective stormwater management and erosion control implementation benefits water quality and downstream aquatic habitat.

PWA provides water quality monitoring and reporting services to achieve regulatory compliance at the Cummings Road landfill.

Humboldt Waste Management Authority
Eureka, California
Project Lead (s): 
Eileen Weppner

Pacific Watershed Associates has been retained by Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) since 2005 to provide ongoing water quality monitoring, analysis, reporting, and technical oversight at the Cummings Road landfill under a Clean-up and Abatement Order (CAO) levied by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. The CAO was issued in response to sediment discharges associated with the failure of the surface drainage infrastructure following heavy rains in the fall of 2005 (see: Cummings Road Landfill Erosion Control). Our technical staff conducts periodic inspections, water quality sampling and water quality analysis in response to heavy rainfall events (> 1" per day), while also providing oversight for landfill staff who conduct most of the water quality monitoring required at drainage outfalls and in-stream monitoring sites. PWA also performs all water quality data analysis and reporting requirements under the CAO for HWMA.

Services Rendered : 
© 2025 Pacific Watershed Associates Inc. Contact design & development: accelerant