Eelgrass Surveys for the Humboldt State University Aquatic Center Floating Dock

Eelgrass Surveys for the Humboldt State University Aquatic Center Floating Dock

Pacific Watershed Associates was subcontracted by SHN to perform pre and post-construction eelgrass surveys for the new floating dock and pilings at the HSU Aquatic Center.

Humboldt State University and SHN Consulting Engineers.
Eureka, CA

Pacific Watershed Associates was subcontracted by SHN Consulting Engineers to perform pre and post-construction eelgrass surveys for the new floating dock and pilings at the HSU Aquatic Center. PWA worked cooperatively with local regulatory agencies, including California Department of Fish and Game, National Marine Fisheries Service, and US Army Corps of Engineers to identify an appropriate reference site for the pre and post-construction surveys. PWA field crews worked with SHN surveyors to delineate the extent of both potential and existing eelgrass habitat adjacent to the new dock and pilings, as well as at a nearby reference site along the Eureka waterfront. We conducted stratified random sampling across the depth range suitable to eelgrass to assess shoot density and characterize substrate conditions. The results of these surveys will be used to determine whether any additional mitigation measures are required.

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