Before and After Project Photos

Outlet Creek Emergency Erosion Control (1 of 3)

Before: Un-permitted hilltop grading for marijuana cultivation has caused erosion and degraded water quality in Outlet Creek.
Before: Un-permitted hilltop grading for marijuana cultivation has caused erosion and degraded water quality in Outlet Creek.
During: Heavy equipment is used to recontour the hillslope and prevent future sediment delivery to Outlet Creek.
During: Heavy equipment is used to recontour the hillslope and prevent future sediment delivery to Outlet Creek.
After: The ridgetop has been recontoured, seeded and mulched just in time for the winter wet season.
After: The ridgetop has been recontoured, seeded and mulched just in time for the winter wet season.

Outlet Creek Emergency Erosion Control (2 of 3)

Before: Poorly-designed, un-permitted hilltop grading and road construction discharges sediment to a tributary of Outlet Creek.
Before: Poorly-designed, un-permitted hilltop grading and road construction discharges sediment to a tributary of Outlet Creek.
After: Implementation of emergency erosion control measures prevents additional sediment delivery and protects water quality.
After: Implementation of emergency erosion control measures prevents additional sediment delivery and protects water quality.

Outlet Creek Emergency Erosion Control (3 of 3)

Before: Surface erosion of this unpaved road delivers excessive fine sediment to a tributary of Outlet Creek.
Before: Surface erosion of this unpaved road delivers excessive fine sediment to a tributary of Outlet Creek.
After: Implementation of proper road drainage techniques disipates runoff, dramatically reducing erosion and sediment delivery.
After: Implementation of proper road drainage techniques disipates runoff, dramatically reducing erosion and sediment delivery.

Tomki Creek Emergency Erosion Control (Part 1 of 3)

Before: Un-permitted, poorly constructed roads and site grading was causing significant erosion - A Clean-up Order was issued
Before: Un-permitted, poorly constructed roads and site grading was causing significant erosion - A Clean-up Order was issued
During: Heavy equipment is used to restore the property
During: Heavy equipment is used to restore the property
After:  Decommissioned roads and re-contoured slopes prevent future erosion
After: Decommissioned roads and re-contoured slopes prevent future erosion

Tomki Creek Emergency Erosion Control (Part 2 of 3)

Before: Un-permitted and poorly constructed roads causing significant erosion and instability
Before: Un-permitted and poorly constructed roads causing significant erosion and instability
During: Heavy equipment is used to decommission and obliterate the roads. Spoil has been endhauled off-site.
During: Heavy equipment is used to decommission and obliterate the roads. Spoil has been endhauled off-site.
After: All roads have been decommissioned and re-contoured to prevent future erosion
After: All roads have been decommissioned and re-contoured to prevent future erosion

Tomki Creek Emergency Erosion Control (Part 3 of 3)

Before: Un-permitted grading and modification to the stream network has triggered significant erosion and hillslope instability
Before: Un-permitted grading and modification to the stream network has triggered significant erosion and hillslope instability
During: Heavy equipment and laborers work to restore natural drainage patterns on the property
During: Heavy equipment and laborers work to restore natural drainage patterns on the property
After: Hillslopes have been re-contoured to restore natural drainage patterns
After: Hillslopes have been re-contoured to restore natural drainage patterns

Headwaters Forest Bridge Installation (Part 1 of 2)

Before: Undersized culvert on the Headwaters Trail, a former logging road in the Headwaters Forest Reserve
Before: Undersized culvert on the Headwaters Trail, a former logging road in the Headwaters Forest Reserve
During: The stream crossing is excavated to the natural channel grade, with stable sideslopes. Note one concrete abutment
During: The stream crossing is excavated to the natural channel grade, with stable sideslopes. Note one concrete abutment

Headwaters Forest Bridge Installation (Part 2 of 2)

After: The bridge has been installed and the bare sideslopes mulched with straw to control erosion
After: The bridge has been installed and the bare sideslopes mulched with straw to control erosion
Two years after: Guard rails have been installed for pedestrians. The site is quickly revegetating with willow and groundcover.
Two years after: Guard rails have been installed for pedestrians. The site is quickly revegetating with willow and groundcover.

Salmon Creek Stream Crossing Decommissioning (Part 1 of 2)

Before: Looking downstream from near the top of the proposed excavation after the site has been brushed and cleared.
Before: Looking downstream from near the top of the proposed excavation after the site has been brushed and cleared.
During: The upstream channel had been filled with soil and slash during historic logging. Note stump on left being exhumed.
During: The upstream channel had been filled with soil and slash during historic logging. Note stump on left being exhumed.
After: Sideslopes are excavated to match the natural hillslope (see stumps) and unearthed woody debris is spread over bare soil
After: Sideslopes are excavated to match the natural hillslope (see stumps) and unearthed woody debris is spread over bare soil

Salmon Creek Stream Crossing Decommissioning (Part 2 of 2)

After: Sideslopes are excavated to match the natural hillslope (see stumps) and unearthed woody debris is spread over bare soil
After: Sideslopes are excavated to match the natural hillslope (see stumps) and unearthed woody debris is spread over bare soil
3 years later: Vegetation is becoming re-established along the restored channel sideslopes
3 years later: Vegetation is becoming re-established along the restored channel sideslopes
5 years later: Red Alders fix nitrogen, improving soil fertility and setting the stage for future conifer growth
5 years later: Red Alders fix nitrogen, improving soil fertility and setting the stage for future conifer growth
© 2025 Pacific Watershed Associates Inc. Contact design & development: accelerant