Tomki Creek CAO

Heavy Equipment is used to restore environmental damage caused by unpermitted grading and road construction.
Heavy Equipment is used to restore environmental damage caused by unpermitted grading and road construction.

PWA provided emergency erosion control planning and implementation oversight for the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board under a clean-up and abatement order.

North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Mendocino County, California
Project Lead (s): 
Danny Hagans
Project Lead (s): 
Eileen Weppner

PWA was retained by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) to assess erosion and implement emergency erosion control measures for an absentee landowner in Mendocino County under a Clean-up and Abatement Order (CAO). This steep 10-acre parcel was the subject of un-permitted and aggressive forest thinning, grading, and road construction activities that led to significant erosion and subsequent sediment delivery to a small tributary of the Eel River. PWA provided technical oversight of heavy equipment work to treat active and potential slope failures as well as to re-establish natural watercourses on the property. Of the 1.1 miles of road constructed on the property, approximately 0.5 miles were decommissioned. Permanent roads remaining on the property were upgraded and storm-proofed to minimize the threat of future sediment delivery. As a result of our implementation efforts, approximately 7,800 cubic yards of sediment were prevented from delivering to the Eel River.

Tomki Creek Emergency Erosion Control part 1, part 2, and part 3 provide sequences of before, during, and after project implementation photos to illustrate the nature of our work.

Services Rendered : 
© 2025 Pacific Watershed Associates Inc. Contact design & development: accelerant