Evaluation of Road Decommissioning, CDFW Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

Evaluation of Road Decommissioning, CDFW Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

Pacific Watershed Associates conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the road decommissioning projects conducted for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)'s Fisheries Restoration Grant Program.

California Department of Fish and Game
Northern California

We evaluated 51 miles of decommissioned road (33% of the total FRGP decommissioned road length) and 449 treated sites in northwestern California between the Oregon border and the northern San Francisco Bay Area. The sample included 275 stream crossings, 111 landslides, and 63 “other” (road drainage) sites. We evaluated the CDFW protocols and standards for road decommissioning based on whether or not the
protocols were met, and analyzed resulting volumes of post-decommissioning erosion and sediment delivery at every identified site.  Based on this assessment we evaluated the effectiveness of the decommissioning protocols, determined how well and how often they were followed, and presented a series of recommendations to improve the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of road decommissioning.


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