Before and After Project Photos

Landslide Excavation - Decommissioning

Before: Forest logging road traverses a steep, wet swale showing signs of slope instability
Before: Forest logging road traverses a steep, wet swale showing signs of slope instability
After: Unstable road fill has been excavated and most of it endhauled off-site to a stable spoil disposal site
After: Unstable road fill has been excavated and most of it endhauled off-site to a stable spoil disposal site

Stream Crossing Decommissioning and Fish Passage Barrier Removal

Before: This unculverted Humboldt (log) crossing was failing (see sink holes) and delivering eroded sediment downstream.
Before: This unculverted Humboldt (log) crossing was failing (see sink holes) and delivering eroded sediment downstream.
During: Re-establishing the stream bed and sideslopes was a critical element in stabilizing & reopening the site to fish passage
During: Re-establishing the stream bed and sideslopes was a critical element in stabilizing & reopening the site to fish passage
After: The project resulted in >5000 cu yds of sediment savings & restored fish passage. Excavated soil was endhauled off site.
After: The project resulted in >5000 cu yds of sediment savings & restored fish passage. Excavated soil was endhauled off site.

Headwaters Forest Road-to-Trail Conversion


Before: Abandoned logging road in the Headwaters Forest Reserve, Humboldt County, CA. The road has been brushed in preparation.
Before: Abandoned logging road in the Headwaters Forest Reserve, Humboldt County, CA. The road has been brushed in preparation.
After: Former abandoned logging road converted to trail for public access in the Headwaters Forest Reserve.
After: Former abandoned logging road converted to trail for public access in the Headwaters Forest Reserve.

Road Outsloping and Rolling Dip Construction, Camp San Luis Obispo

Before: Note the deep wheel ruts and the gully erosion leading to the inboard ditch of this insloped road reach.
Before: Note the deep wheel ruts and the gully erosion leading to the inboard ditch of this insloped road reach.
After: Upgraded road reach showing the benefits of outsloping and installation of rolling dips to treat chronic surface erosion.
After: Upgraded road reach showing the benefits of outsloping and installation of rolling dips to treat chronic surface erosion.
© 2025 Pacific Watershed Associates Inc. Contact design & development: accelerant