Before and After Project Photos

Armored Fill Installation (Part 1 of 2)

Before: Undersized, rusted, and perched culvert at this stream crossing has a high potential for failure
Before: Undersized, rusted, and perched culvert at this stream crossing has a high potential for failure
A bulldozer is used to dip the crossing fill in preparation for installation of the rock armor
A bulldozer is used to dip the crossing fill in preparation for installation of the rock armor
Keyways are dug, lined with fabric and backfilled with large armor at the upstream & downstream end of the crossing's fillslope
Keyways are dug, lined with fabric and backfilled with large armor at the upstream & downstream end of the crossing's fillslope

Armored Fill Installation (Part 2 of 2)

The remainder of the crossing's fillslope is backfilled with armor of various size classes. Armor size is based on stream power.
The remainder of the crossing's fillslope is backfilled with armor of various size classes. Armor size is based on stream power.
After: Armored fill crossing conveying streamflow shortly after completion of construction
After: Armored fill crossing conveying streamflow shortly after completion of construction
Post-winter: Armored fill crossing 6 months following construction, at the end of the first winter
Post-winter: Armored fill crossing 6 months following construction, at the end of the first winter

Hollow Tree Creek Bridge Installation

Before: Looking upstream at the perched culvert outlet . The culvert was a barrier to fish migration.
Before: Looking upstream at the perched culvert outlet . The culvert was a barrier to fish migration.
After: Looking upstream at the excavated stream channel and newly installed bridge (top of photo) during peak winter streamflow
After: Looking upstream at the excavated stream channel and newly installed bridge (top of photo) during peak winter streamflow

Navarro Vineyards Stream Crossing Upgrade and Fish Passage Barrier Removal (1 of 2)

Before: Primary stream crossing culvert is undersized and set too high in the fill, creating a barrier to upstream fish passage.
Before: Primary stream crossing culvert is undersized and set too high in the fill, creating a barrier to upstream fish passage.
After: The new culvert is inset into the streambed at the base of fill and is sized to accomodate both fish passag & peak flows
After: The new culvert is inset into the streambed at the base of fill and is sized to accomodate both fish passag & peak flows

Navarro Vineyards Stream Crossing Upgrade and Fish Passage Barrier Removal (2 of 2)

Before: Stream crossing  displays 3 old drainage structures - a small culvert, on a larger culvert, on buried "Humboldt" logs.
Before: Stream crossing displays 3 old drainage structures - a small culvert, on a larger culvert, on buried "Humboldt" logs.
During: An excavator is used to remove the old drainage structures and the aggraded sediment upstream of the crossing
During: An excavator is used to remove the old drainage structures and the aggraded sediment upstream of the crossing
After: The new culvert is set at the natural channel gradient and is sized to accomodate both fish passage and peak flows
After: The new culvert is set at the natural channel gradient and is sized to accomodate both fish passage and peak flows

Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade - Flared Inlet

Before: This culvert is slightly undersized and prone to plugging from debris during high flow events
Before: This culvert is slightly undersized and prone to plugging from debris during high flow events
After: A flared inlet paired with a single post trash rack increases effective culvert capacity and decreases plug potential.
After: A flared inlet paired with a single post trash rack increases effective culvert capacity and decreases plug potential.

Stream Crossing Upgrade - Overflow Pipe Installation

Before: This "new" stream crossing culvert was undersized and prone to plugging and overtopping during high flows.
Before: This "new" stream crossing culvert was undersized and prone to plugging and overtopping during high flows.
After: An emergency overflow culvert was installed to prevent overtopping when the primary culvert capacity is exceeded
After: An emergency overflow culvert was installed to prevent overtopping when the primary culvert capacity is exceeded

Lacks Creek Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade (Looking Upstream)(1 of 2)

Before: This culvert was undersized and set too high in the fill prism, causing scour below the outlet
Before: This culvert was undersized and set too high in the fill prism, causing scour below the outlet
After: A properly sized culvert is installed at the natural channel grade, minimizing the volume of fill in the crossing
After: A properly sized culvert is installed at the natural channel grade, minimizing the volume of fill in the crossing

Lacks Creek Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade (Looking Downstream)(2 of 2)

Before: The culvert at this stream crossing is undersized and poorly alligned with the channel
Before: The culvert at this stream crossing is undersized and poorly alligned with the channel
After: The crossing has been upgraded with a culvert sized for 100-yr peak flows & a critical dip to prevent stream diversion
After: The crossing has been upgraded with a culvert sized for 100-yr peak flows & a critical dip to prevent stream diversion

Hollow Tree Creek Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade

Before: View of the outlet of an seriously undersized, rusted culvert in need of replacement
Before: View of the outlet of an seriously undersized, rusted culvert in need of replacement
After: Properly sized culvert is installed at the base of fill. Rock armor protects the steep outboard fillslope from erosion.
After: Properly sized culvert is installed at the base of fill. Rock armor protects the steep outboard fillslope from erosion.
© 2025 Pacific Watershed Associates Inc. Contact design & development: accelerant