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Road Decommissioning-Landslide Excavation
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Road Decommissioning-Road Surface
Road Upgrading-Road Shaping and Drainage
Emergency Erosion Control
Road-Decommissioning-Stream Crossings
Armored Fill Installation (Part 1 of 2)
Before: Undersized, rusted, and perched culvert at this stream crossing has a high potential for failure
A bulldozer is used to dip the crossing fill in preparation for installation of the rock armor
Keyways are dug, lined with fabric and backfilled with large armor at the upstream & downstream end of the crossing's fillslope
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Armored Fill Installation (Part 2 of 2)
The remainder of the crossing's fillslope is backfilled with armor of various size classes. Armor size is based on stream power.
After: Armored fill crossing conveying streamflow shortly after completion of construction
Post-winter: Armored fill crossing 6 months following construction, at the end of the first winter
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Hollow Tree Creek Bridge Installation
Before: Looking upstream at the perched culvert outlet . The culvert was a barrier to fish migration.
After: Looking upstream at the excavated stream channel and newly installed bridge (top of photo) during peak winter streamflow
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Navarro Vineyards Stream Crossing Upgrade and Fish Passage Barrier Removal (1 of 2)
Before: Primary stream crossing culvert is undersized and set too high in the fill, creating a barrier to upstream fish passage.
After: The new culvert is inset into the streambed at the base of fill and is sized to accomodate both fish passag & peak flows
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Navarro Vineyards Stream Crossing Upgrade and Fish Passage Barrier Removal (2 of 2)
Before: Stream crossing displays 3 old drainage structures - a small culvert, on a larger culvert, on buried "Humboldt" logs.
During: An excavator is used to remove the old drainage structures and the aggraded sediment upstream of the crossing
After: The new culvert is set at the natural channel gradient and is sized to accomodate both fish passage and peak flows
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade - Flared Inlet
Before: This culvert is slightly undersized and prone to plugging from debris during high flow events
After: A flared inlet paired with a single post trash rack increases effective culvert capacity and decreases plug potential.
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Stream Crossing Upgrade - Overflow Pipe Installation
Before: This "new" stream crossing culvert was undersized and prone to plugging and overtopping during high flows.
After: An emergency overflow culvert was installed to prevent overtopping when the primary culvert capacity is exceeded
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Lacks Creek Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade (Looking Upstream)(1 of 2)
Before: This culvert was undersized and set too high in the fill prism, causing scour below the outlet
After: A properly sized culvert is installed at the natural channel grade, minimizing the volume of fill in the crossing
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Lacks Creek Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade (Looking Downstream)(2 of 2)
Before: The culvert at this stream crossing is undersized and poorly alligned with the channel
After: The crossing has been upgraded with a culvert sized for 100-yr peak flows & a critical dip to prevent stream diversion
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
Hollow Tree Creek Stream Crossing Culvert Upgrade
Before: View of the outlet of an seriously undersized, rusted culvert in need of replacement
After: Properly sized culvert is installed at the base of fill. Rock armor protects the steep outboard fillslope from erosion.
Road Upgrading-Stream Crossings
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