New Video Highlights PWA's Best Practices for Constructing and Maintaining Rural Roads

Screenshot of Video Overview of Handbook for Forest, Ranch and Rural Roads

To make the best practices for rural road construction and maintenance more easily accessible to landowners, a video was recently produced which gives an overview of some important elements described in PWA's Handbook for Forest, Ranch and Rural Roads. It was made possible by a grant from the California State Water Resources Control Board and was collaboratively produced by PWA, Mendocino County Resource Conservation District and TOPO Collective. The video features two of PWA's certified engineering geologists, Colin Hughes and Randy Lew, reviewing concepts of improved road drainage and stream crossing upgrading on rural roads in Mendocino County, California. It also provides information on how your local Resource Conservation District can provide landowner assistance in identifying and treating rural roads to lower maintenance needs and reduce maintenance costs. The reference for this video, PWA's Handbook for Forest, Ranch and Rural Roads, is available for free download or hardcopy purchase in Spanish and English at

A short trailer can be viewed at: (Length: 1 minute). The full video can be viewed at: (Length: 26 minutes).

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