Before and After Project Photos

Road Ripping and Decompacting

Before: Compacted road surface prior to decommissioning
Before: Compacted road surface prior to decommissioning
After: The road bed has been hydraulically ripped to decompact the soil, improving infiltration and speeding revegetation
After: The road bed has been hydraulically ripped to decompact the soil, improving infiltration and speeding revegetation

Cross-Road Drain Installation

Before: Native surfaced seasonal road prior to decommissioning
Before: Native surfaced seasonal road prior to decommissioning
After: Road had been ripped (deocmpacted) and a cross-road drain has been installed to disperse runoff and prevent erosion
After: Road had been ripped (deocmpacted) and a cross-road drain has been installed to disperse runoff and prevent erosion

Stream Crossing Decommissioning

Before: Looking down towards the road from above the right sideslope of a culverted stream crossing
Before: Looking down towards the road from above the right sideslope of a culverted stream crossing
During: An excavator is used to remove fill from the crossing and re-establish the natural channel gradient
During: An excavator is used to remove fill from the crossing and re-establish the natural channel gradient
Two years later: Road related fill has been excavated and endhauled to a stable location
Two years later: Road related fill has been excavated and endhauled to a stable location

Road Outsloping in the Santa Cruz Mountains

Before:The combination of an outboard berm and insloped road surface hampers road surface drainage
Before:The combination of an outboard berm and insloped road surface hampers road surface drainage
After: Outsloping and berm removal improves road drainage, disperses runoff, and reduces road surface erosion
After: Outsloping and berm removal improves road drainage, disperses runoff, and reduces road surface erosion

Improving Road Surface Drainage with Rolling Dips

Before: A long reach of insloped, bermed road discahrges runoff & fine sediment to the inboard ditch & to nearby watercourses
Before: A long reach of insloped, bermed road discahrges runoff & fine sediment to the inboard ditch & to nearby watercourses
After: Installation of a rolling dip disperses runoff towards the outboard edge of the road and improves road surface drainage
After: Installation of a rolling dip disperses runoff towards the outboard edge of the road and improves road surface drainage

Rocky Gulch Road Decommissioning and Fish Passage Barrier Removal

Before: Legacy streamside logging road in Rocky Gulch was reopened for heavy equipment restoration work
Before: Legacy streamside logging road in Rocky Gulch was reopened for heavy equipment restoration work
After: Road fill has been excavated from the stream channel and riparian habitat has been restored
After: Road fill has been excavated from the stream channel and riparian habitat has been restored

Road and Landing Fillslope Instabilities - Decommissioning

Before: Abandoned road on the steep inner gorge slope of a salmonid stream has been reopened to excavate unstable fillslopes
Before: Abandoned road on the steep inner gorge slope of a salmonid stream has been reopened to excavate unstable fillslopes
After: Unstable road fill has been excavated and hauled off-site. Exposed surface has been mulched with alders, brush and straw
After: Unstable road fill has been excavated and hauled off-site. Exposed surface has been mulched with alders, brush and straw

Road and landing fillslope instabilities - Decommissioning

Before: Unstable streamside road reach with high potential for sediment delivery
Before: Unstable streamside road reach with high potential for sediment delivery
After: Unstable fill has been excavated and endhauled, and mulch has been applied to protect bare soil
After: Unstable fill has been excavated and endhauled, and mulch has been applied to protect bare soil

Stream Crossing Decommissioning - Bridges

Before: Railroad flat-car bridge with old-growth redwood abutments
Before: Railroad flat-car bridge with old-growth redwood abutments
After: The bridge has been removed and unstable fill has been excavated from the channel sideslopes
After: The bridge has been removed and unstable fill has been excavated from the channel sideslopes

Landslide Excavation - Decommissioning

Before: Active landsliding along this poorly designed road threatens to deliver sediment to the stream below
Before: Active landsliding along this poorly designed road threatens to deliver sediment to the stream below
After: A combination of endhauling and in-place outsloping have been used to decommission this unstable road reach
After: A combination of endhauling and in-place outsloping have been used to decommission this unstable road reach
© 2025 Pacific Watershed Associates Inc. Contact design & development: accelerant